Triathlon Coaching

Get stronger and faster while having fun achieving your triathlon goals
You have big triathlon dreams
You have big dreams. Maybe it's completing your first triathlon. Or completing your first Ironman. Or getting on that podium. Or qualifying for Worlds.
and you need help achieving them

Maybe you've tried training on your own. And you are struggling. You are finding it overwhelming to fit everything in in addition to your already busy life. You don't know how to balance your schedule and the easiest way you are doing it to manage right now (if you are managing), is skimping on your sleep. You are feeling burned out from the sport.
Maybe you don't like training alone, because it is well, lonely. And you want that connection with others who are just like you.
Or maybe you haven't tried training yet. Your goal is scary and you're not sure how to start. You are googling everything. You have tried to swim, but felt like you were drowning. You've tried to bike, but you don't know how you are supposed to eat and drink while riding in a straight line. And how are you supposed to eat while running? It is overwhelming to think of all the things you have to learn and do.
Or perhaps you are starting to experience some motivation struggles due to boredom. The generic workouts that you downloaded for free are repetitive and mind-numbing. I mean, yes, some of the longer workouts are there to help train your mind, but training for a triathlon is supposed to be fun, not mind-numbing.
Or maybe you are one of those triathletes that just cannot get through an entire season without an injury. You have a physiotherapist on speed-dial and see them more often than some of your friends. Perhaps it is time to take a dive into your nutrition and match it to your training and analyze your technique to identify and correct any biomechanical imbalances or flaws in your technique.
Or maybe you have been training for a while, years even, and you are frustrated with your performance plateau. So you increased your training even more and now are struggling to achieve a good training/life balance. No matter what you do, you can't seem to see progress.

I get it, as a triathlete, I was just like you
I have been training for triathlons for 11+ years now. And I was all of those examples above.
When I first started with triathlons, I didn't know where to start, so I joined a local club. That worked until I moved away and my new hometown didn't have a club.
​So I started training on my own. And I struggled. I either wasn't consistent with my training or I was burning myself out. I wasn't having fun and I wasn't seeing results. I almost quit.
But then, I hired a virtual triathlon coach. She connected me with others who were training virtually. She adjusted my training to support my busy life, but still reach my goals. She showed me how to keep my training fun while making me faster. Read more of my story here.
And I decided to become a triathlon coach, because of her. So I can help others, like you.
"I have worked with a coach in the past who created quite boring training plans.
Truthfully it felt like he just took what I could've found online and uploaded it into training peaks. He also did not have the medical education Jessica does. At the time I was already having some medical issues and he would often brush off my concerns or would encourage me to, "keep pushing" even when I would be in a lot of pain or would be having a lot of symptoms. Because of that I burnt out from his coaching in a matter of months. I just couldn't keep pushing my body that hard as someone with chronic illness.

Having a triathlon coach who is also a registered dietician as given me so much peace of mind. Jessica has also been beyond understanding when I shoot her a text and say, "hey, not feeling great today" and she quickly rearranges my week and often even encourages me to take the next day off as well! My hematologist absolutely LOVES this about her and is a huge reason why I'm allowed to push as hard as I am!!
[My biggest win so far is] COMPLETING A TRIATHLON just over a year after finishing chemo!!
I would recommend 1:1 coaching to BEGINNERS. I felt a little odd hiring a triathlon coach when my first goal was simply an indoor triathlon that was time based. But my Dr's said the only way they were giving me the green light to start training was if I hired a coach and I'm so so glad I did!! I honestly don't think I would've been able to complete that triathlon without Jessica's guidance!"
- Terri
"I just want to say thank you for all your help and guidance these last 6 months. I really appreciated your knowledge and availability when I had questions. Your training plan left me feeling as prepared as I could be for [my Ironman] race day :) Thank you again!"
- Jenessa
Let's have fun achieving your big triathlon goals

As a triathlete, I get what you are currently feeling. As a coach, with an extensive exercise and nutrition background, I will help you feel your best and achieve your goals, while having fun.
I show you how to fit triathlon training around your life, instead of your life around triathlon training, so you can achieve your triathlon goals while still doing all the other fun things you enjoy.
Plus I make training fun! My workouts focus on quality efforts and keep your mind engaged instead of just logging mindless hours or miles. I create training that works for you.
Lastly, my triathlon coaching includes strength and mobility training, to keep your body healthy and minimize risk of injury.
Premium triathlon coaching includes:
Biomechanical and technical video analysis and feedback on your swim, bike, run, and lifting techniques to
Identify and correct any biomechanical imbalances or flaws in technique to minimize the risk of overuse injuries and musculoskeletal issues
Identify any inefficiencies and improve your efficiency
Optimize your movement patterns and improve joint mobility
Customized, progressive training plan based on your biomechanical and technical analysis, personal feedback, schedule, and goals
Includes swimming, biking, running, strength, and mobility sessions each week
​Access to a TrainingPeaks Premium account
Access to Triathlon Nutrition 101 course, my signature self-paced course, to ensure that you are fueling well for your training
Monthly Zoom calls going over your upcoming training schedule, and as needed for race day planning and post-race review
Unlimited support
Investment: $399 CAD/month for a minimum of 3 months
as monthly automatic payments, see Terms and Conditions
Basic triathlon coaching includes:
Everything you see above, except you do not receive any biomechanical or technical video analysis
Your customized training plan is based on your goals, schedule, and your feedback
Investment: $249 CAD/month for a minimum of 3 months
as monthly automatic payments, see Terms and Conditions ​
​Want only strength coaching? Check out Strong for Triathlon here.
Want only swim coaching or a swim analysis? Check out Swim Coaching + Analysis here.
Once you apply, we will chat on a free zoom call to see if we are a good match for each other, and answer any questions you have. I want you to feel comfortable and confident before committing to anything!
"I originally signed up to become a better athlete. I started to lose weight and gain strength in the proper controlled way. I also gained a greater understanding of the science behind why Jessica plans things the way she does."
- Kyle
"Jessica helped me feel better going into my first sprint tri race! I loved the encouragement and support!"
- Melissa
Are you ready to achieve your triathlon dreams?
All testimonials are voluntary from happy clients.
Results are not guaranteed.